A Special Prayer for his Daughters and others around the world who are hurting.
Heavenly Father, As I listen to the radio I hear so many songs about how this is the 'Most Wonderful Time of the Year' and I am so thankful and full of Joy when I gather together with Your people and we celebrate Your birth, and we are pointed to Your Death and Your Resurrection. Lord I love You and I praise You!
But Father, my heart is heavy. With songs, commercials and movies all displaying happy families sitting around their trees, with full bellies and lots of presents, I am reminded that not every person will have these things this year. And not every one knows why we celebrate this Season.
There a thousands of refugees searching for life and a new start but end up finding nothing but despair and persecution.
There are children who have lost parents.
There are parents who have lost children.
There are young women who are slaves only because they accepted the wrong ad for a job over seas.
There are men and women in recovery programs who are not allowed to visit family.
There a families struggling through a difficult divorce.
There are couples unable to have children.
There are homeless and hungry people in every city.
There are people so overwhelmed with depression that this time of the year only reminds them of their inability to simply 'over come it'.
Whatever it may be Lord I pray that You would make Yourself known to them, this very night. We know that Your heart breaks for the broken, the hurt, the prostitute, the refugee, the forgotten and so Lord we pray that Your Spirit would move across cities and countries and that redemption and restoration would come into the brokenness. And Father, if it be Your Will would You extend Your Grace to those around us who are hurting by giving us Your Eyes, Your Words, Your Resources, Your Joy and Your Bold Love.
Lord make us prayer warriors for the lost and the hurting.
Lord make us generous givers.
Lord make us compassionate for strangers.
Lord give us forgiveness for our family and friends for whom we never seem to be able to forgive.
Lord give us Joy that is unexplainable and irresistible to those around us.
Lord we love You, we love Your Heart and we thank you for coming into our brokenness and for always coming after us. For never giving up on us.
We Love you and we trust You in all circumstances and may You be praised during this Christmas Season.
For Holy, Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who Was and Is and Is to Come.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.