"Without Love I Am Nothing At All" While listing to the lines of Sara Groves I am reminded of my day yesterday. Three very extreme emotions come to my mind.
Joy. Yesterday morning we spent time with my dear friend and mentor Beth as we walked around San Diego, ate, saw the iron side ships, and just enjoyed each other's company and God's beautiful creation. I love Beth and it was wonderful to spend time with her and see her new home.
Lord be with my dear friend Beth. She has been such a blessing to me throughout my life and such a dear friend. Go before her and after her. Bless her with rich community and deep relationships that reflect your love and provision.
Anger. Anger does not justify the feeling I had yesterday afternoon. We joined an outreach team to go to a strip club in San Diego. Katie and I prepared ourselves but I was not prepared for my unbridled anger that I was about to see in me. We pulled up in the parking lot of the strip club and I looked at the sign to see what the name of the place was. Little Darlings. I was unprepared for the anger that was welling up inside of me. Everything about that name pissed me off. (I am using 'pissed' for a reason. 'Upset' does not do the feeling justice. :/) The fact that the owners decided to name the place 'Little Darlings' was appalling to me. They decided to use the same name that a father uses for his child. The name itself is for a child, not a woman! The name screams Pedophile and yet girls want to work there and men want to go there! My brain was trying to calm my emotions down before going in to the building because I wanted to have the love of God in me not my anger. Thankfully the Holy Spirit gave me His peace and comfort. Praise Jesus.
Lord please be with those girls we talked to in Little Darlings. Remind them that they are exactly those things to you. A Darling. The apple of your eye. Restore to them their true identity and name. Show them how much you love them. For you are our heavenly Father that leaves the 99 to find the 1. Please Lord...go after these women the way you came after me. Please Father.
Peace. After the outreach the leader asked if we wanted to go to a baptism of a woman who has come out of prostitution. As we prayed for her and read scripture before hand she had a request. She took out her business phone and wanted to name all of her users by name, pray for the Lord to cleanse her from them as well as pray for their souls and families. I was overwhelmed by the Love that this woman and group had. Only Love from the Father can cause this Love to pour out. And without Love, everything we do is all for nothing. We can love, we can serve, we can forgive...but if we do not have Love we do not have anything.
Lord, pour out your love on these men. Clothe them with your love and comfort. They are so hurt and enslaved to their sin. Lord pursue them, hunt them, seek them out until they are yours.
Lord remind my new friend every hour of every day of your great love for her. For your love is extravagant.
Lord forgive me for my lack of forgiveness. Watching this woman forgive men who abused and molested her reminded me of your great forgiveness and cleansing power. Holy Spirit, help me forgive those who I have not forgiven and lift my head to your face so I can have your peace and be comforted. Forgive me Lord. Thank you for the blessing of witnessing one of your darlings coming into the Kingdom. Thank you.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
"The bottom line is God did not create any woman to be a prostitute, a stripper, a porn star, or to feel like she must pursue an endless quest for physical perfection. As children of God, all females are endowed with worth and dignity for who they are...in all their infinite and beautiful varieties. For ourselves, for our mothers, sisters, daughters, nieces, granddaughters, and friends, it is time to reclaim our dignity and our beauty. Let's exchange the ashes of raunch culture for the beautiful crowns of God's Love." Lisa L. Thompson
Please pray for me as I speak to youth at a youth conference this weekend about the Lord's Delight in us women...
Please pray for me as I speak to youth at a youth conference this weekend about the Lord's Delight in us women...
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