"Is this real?" I thought..."Surely this is what heaven will feel like. No tears, no sadness...pure Joy and Delight in our creator and all He has done for us. Dancing! Laughing! Ice cream! Pure Delight."

As I sat and watched all of these warriors, who storm the gates of hell on a daily basis, praise the Lord and cheer of His Goodness, I could not help but think of a quote from Dan Allender that same morning.
"If you want to see God for who He truly is, go into the deepest darkest corners of the world."
It seemed to me, that the people who were the most scared and nervous were the new soldiers. And the people who were so full of joy and delight were the veterans. The veterans would almost be considered reckless in 'normal society'.
These veterans know who they are fighting and who is on their side. They know that this fight is lead by the Creator of the Universe. They know that they have Angels and the Lord on their side...and they always seem to be rejoicing already as if the battle is already won! It was amazing to witness; such Love and Joy and Pure Delight pouring out of these men and women.

women sitting in the chairs around me. I am so thankful for this ministry. This ministry causes me to NEED Jesus so desperately every day. This ministry surrounds me around the worlds most courageous defenders of the faith. This ministry gives me pure Delight.